GSG Education
En GSG Education nos dedicamos a brindar cursos de preparación para exámenes internacionales de inglés, tales como: TOEFL, IELTS, SAT y GMAT; así como también Asesoría de postulación a programas en el extranjero gracias a nuestros más de 300 convenios con universidades extranjeras.
Nuestro propósito
Impactar positivamente en la vida de las personas, acercando y haciendo viables nuevas oportunidades que calcen con sus objetivos y talentos.
¿Por qué elegir GSG Education?
Cuando se trata de acercarte a educación internacional, no importa cuáles sean tus metas académicas, en GSG estamos aquí para ayudarte a alcanzarlas.
Cartas de aceptación por estudiante
USD en becas otorgadas
Universidades asociadas
Estudiantes en el extranjero

For over 20 years, Mirko has been working with international students around the world. As an Admissions Director for a prestigious US institution, Mirko was able to work in London, Zurich, Dubai and Boston with students from those regions in order to help them apply and submit successful university applications. Over the years Mirko has workd with hundreds of students until he founded GSG Education as a test preparation center, now not only focusing on helping students apply to university, but also get the best possible scores within their application.
Mirko holds an MBA degree from IMI Institute of Zurich and a bachelor’s degree from Universidad del Pacífico. He´s since taken specialized courses in College Counseling from UCLA and Columbia University, plus specific certificates from Harvard Law School and MIT. Now based in Lima, he´s focused on expanding GSG Education within LATAM in order to impact student´s life through guidance and education.
Mirko holds an MBA degree from IMI Institute of Zurich and a bachelor’s degree from Universidad del Pacífico. He´s since taken specialized courses in College Counseling from UCLA and Columbia University, plus specific certificates from Harvard Law School and MIT. Now based in Lima, he´s focused on expanding GSG Education within LATAM in order to impact student´s life through guidance and education.

Senior University Counselor at GSG Education with more 10 years of experience assisting over 1000 student from Latam. Specialized in counseling for international students. Ernesto holds a University Counseling certificate from UCLA. His knowledge of the market has helped successfully placed students all over Europe, USA, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

Admission Advisor, a professional with a remarkable educational and work history. A graduate of the University of Central Florida (UCF), Paula obtained her B.A in Human Communications along with a full athletic scholarship, highlighting her dedication and skills in both academics and athletics. Subsequently, she received her M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of South Florida (USF). With a three-year experience working in higher education at UCF and USF, Paula has worked with athletes and students, helping them realize their dreams of studying and playing sports in the United States. Her passion for education and desire to facilitate opportunities for Latin American students has brought her back to Peru, where she is now fulfilling her dream of helping young people from the region discover and pursue their passions abroad.

Guillermo has been working in the field of Languages Education for more than 25 years now. He is a professional in Foreign Language Education including English, Spanish and specific fields as International Exams preparation such as Toefl, Ielts, FCE, CAE and others. He has been the Academic Coordinator in more than 5 institutions in Peru and has managed teams of more than 120 teachers for different kinds of courses related to the improvement of the English language. He has also been developing tailored material for varied projects including books, blogs, self-study programs and others.
Guillermo studied at University of Piura in which he majored in Education and has obtained several diplomates related to the field of Education, Administration and Advertising. He has taken many courses related to the improvement of methodologies and teaching strategies and he continues being involved in projects that include video courses, coaching and programs development.
Through his working experience he has learned that the only way to be the best teacher is to continue studying and training to be the best example not only for his students but also for his peers. More recently, he has joined the team of advisors in Admission processes helping students to show their best selves in their applications to different universities around the world.
Guillermo studied at University of Piura in which he majored in Education and has obtained several diplomates related to the field of Education, Administration and Advertising. He has taken many courses related to the improvement of methodologies and teaching strategies and he continues being involved in projects that include video courses, coaching and programs development.
Through his working experience he has learned that the only way to be the best teacher is to continue studying and training to be the best example not only for his students but also for his peers. More recently, he has joined the team of advisors in Admission processes helping students to show their best selves in their applications to different universities around the world.

Exam Preparation Expert
Admissions Counselor
Admissions Counselor

Exam Preparation Expert
Admissions Counselor
Admissions Counselor

Exam Preparation Expert

Exam Preparation Expert

Exam Preparation Expert

Exam Preparation Expert

Exam Preparation Expert
Reconocidos a nivel internacional
Miembros de reputadas instituciones que respaldan nuestra metodología y herramientas para la orientación vocacional internacional: International ACAC, Asociación de Asesoría Universitaria Internacional en USA y UCAS, institución que regula el proceso de postulación a universidades en el Reino Unido. Juntos, promovemos un enfoque integral y profesional para guiar a los estudiantes en su transición hacia la educación superior.
Apariciones en medios
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Radio Nacional Colombia
Entrevista en Radio Nacional Colombia para el programa Franja Secundaria
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Radio Nacional Colombia
Entrevista en Radio Nacional Colombia para el programa Franja media y electivas
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El País Colombia
Colombia es el segundo país suramericano con más estudiantes migrando a Estados Unidos
Carousel 4

La Libertad
Estados Unidos sigue siendo el destino más apetecido para estudiar en el exterior
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Colombia es el segundo país suramericano con más estudiantes migrando a EE.UU.
Carousel 6

Valora Analitik
Más de 7.000 colombianos migraron a EE.UU. en 2021 para estudiar
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El Comercio
¿Qué tener en cuenta al estudiar en una universidad en el extranjero?
Carousel 2

Perú 21
¿Qué tener en cuenta al estudiar en una universidad en el extranjero?
Carousel 3

El Comercio
¿Estás pensando en estudiar en el extranjero? conoce los requisitos
Carousel 4

Postulaciones a universidades extranjeras se triplicarán este año
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Universidades y postgrado. ¿cuánto más impacta en el salario el lugar donde estudia?
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El Comercio
Egresados de ingeniería pueden ganar hasta 5 veces más si estudian en una universidad extranjera
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Egresados de ingeniería pueden ganar hasta 5 veces más si estudian en una universidad extranjera
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El Comercio
Estas son las universidades privadas con las pensiones más caras en Lima Metropolitana
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Costos y Requisitos para postular al extranjero
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El comercio
¿Estudiar en el extranjero un pregrado o posgrado en plena pandemia?
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Grad School Guru
Carousel 12

Canal N
GradSchoolGuru en Mundo Empresarial
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RPP Noticias
Peruanos egresados de universidades de EE.UU. y Europa ganan cuatro veces más
Carousel 14

MBA International Business
Estudiar un MBA en el extranjero: Preparando el camino
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Perú 21
Estudiantes peruanos retoman clases presenciales en universidades en el extranjero
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Cinco ventajas de estudiar un pregrado en el extranjero